Turkmenistan capitale. It declared independence on october 27 1991. The ethnonym tuerkmen and the persian suffix stan meaning place of or countrythe name turkmen comes from turk plus the sogdian suffix men meaning almost turk in reference to their status outside the turkic dynastic mythological system. Turkmenistan is a sovereign landlocked country. Le turkmenistan egalement appele turkmenie en forme longue la republique du turkmenistan en turkmene tuerkmenistan et tuerkmenistan respublikasy en russe turkmenistan turkmenistan ou turkmeniya turkmeniya et respublika turkmenistan respublika turkmenistan est un pays dasie centrale entoure de lafghanistan au sud est de liran au.
Kazakhstan bounds it to the northwest. Turkmenistan is sparsely populated with a population of just 54 million people in 2016. Each world has more than 20 groups with 5 puzzles each. It measures 47 square miles with an estimated population of 755000 residents.
Numele tarii deriva din persana insemnand tara poporului turkmen. The name of turkmenistan turkmen. Capitala este orasul ashgabat toponim persan traducandu se aproximativ ca orasul dragostei. Uzbekistan to the north and east.
The capital is ashgabat ashkhabad which lies near the southern border with iran. It has many crosswords divided into different worlds and groups. Find out capital of turkmenistan answers. Aashk aabad formerly named poltoratsk russian.
Capital and largest city is ashgabat asgabat. It is bordered by four asian nations. Planet earth under the sea inventions seasons circus transports and culinary arts. However some scholars argue the suffix is an.
Ashgabat pronounced bt persian. Afghanistan is located to the southeast. It is located in central asia bordering the caspian sea and is primarily covered by the karakum desert. It is located in central asia in the northern and eastern hemispheres of the earth.
And iran to the south and southwest. Codycross is a famous newly released game which is developed by fanatee. Turkmenistan sau tuerkmenistan in turkmena iar in rusa turkmeniya sau turkmenistan este o tara turcica in asia centrala. Tuerkmenistan can be divided into two components.
Over the last decade the country has prospered tremendously from their vast natural gas and oil resources. From 1925 to 1991 turkmenistan was the turkmen soviet socialist republic a constituent union republic of the soviet union. Peltratsk between 1919 and 1927 is the capital and the largest city of turkmenistanit is situated between the karakum desert and the kopet dag mountain range in central asiait is also near the iran turkmenistan border.